The Oldies

Old people can be such a joy.  Of course there are some horrible old people out there who are opinionated and stuck in their ways, who never have a positive word to say about anything or anyone else, which I am quite sure that I will be writing a blog or two on, in the not too distant future....  But for today, I will talk about the good ol' girls and boys ?  They usually have more time on their hands which means that they can give more time to us without having to rush off here, there and everywhere.  They can sit with us (or us with them..) sharing a cup of tea (not literally sharing the

Nearly Not Friends....

Right, well I'm off out to meet a friend shortly ?  I haven't seen this friend Jessica, for a good few months so I am looking forward to seeing her and her daughter Annie.  I am taking my 11 year old daughter too - they have got a lot of catching up to do as well.  It is interesting though how we sometimes feel about our friends and it can be all too easy to lose contact, sometimes through life just being busy or they may have done something to upset us or that we disagree with.  Sometimes though, we can lose friends  through misunderstandings.  This is what nearly happened with Jessica....