People Don't Know Me...

When you have mental health issues, it seems there are always others who do not understand - even those who also suffer from their own mental health problems and you therefore think they will be more understanding - they are not (or are too busy thinking about their own mental health to consider yours too... ?)  There are family members who suffer with anxiety and some with depression and some with both - they do usually go hand in hand in one way or another.  I suffer more with anxiety but this can lead me into dark places sometimes when the anxiety plays me up or when things 'go wrong'.

Toilet Rhyme

Just how do they do it?????  Men, how do men manage to splash so much around the toilet when having a wee?!? Not just the toilet bowl but on the top of the cistern too (not one of those old fashion types that are above head height of course (that I think look lovely) - although sometimes I reckon that Dave would still give that a good go if we had one...) and there are little splashes of old yellow piss giving my white tiles a speckled egg appearance in places - yuck, just yuck!